“It’s been done before.”—This is the classic argument our negative mind makes when trying to pursue your big goals. Marie Forleo and Elizabeth Gilbert talk about this resistance. The perspective to remember is that [it] hasn’t yet been done yet by you.
Gilbert points out, “Even Shakespeare repeated stories but told them a different way, and we’re still talking about it. You’re allowed to add to the pile of art. When art comes from the heart, it comes out differently than those who just borrow for the sake of that. Create because it brings you joy.”
What if these scenarios happened?
- A writer didn’t publish their book because they thought, “The bookstore is already full of books for there to be any room for mine on a shelf.”
- A painter didn’t paint because they thought, “The greatest painters of the past often became famous after their deaths, so why bother trying to make a living out of it?”
- A female programmer switched majors because they thought, “The programming field looks to be largely dominated by men, and I’ll never make a mark in it.”
- A graphic designer only stuck to a borderline freelance/hobby because they thought, “There are too many expensive design agencies that will hide me from being seen in the market.”
“It might have been done before, but it hasn’t been done by you.”
Elizabeth Gilbert
You Are Unique. Value This.
No one is creating from your perspective because there is only one YOU. Bring your you-unique factor to the table. You’re adding value by creating, so keep at it.
I’m not going to deny that it will take hard work because it will. But there’s room for you. There is room for one more designer, developer, consultant—whatever it is you’re trying to pursue. The creative work you are pursuing may be crowded, yes. But you know every person and business does not deliver a strong quality and value.—You know this. So perhaps it’s about time you show the world how to do it right by bringing you to it.
Are you holding yourself back in shadow? Find the courage to do your thing.